My Favorite Things: Iconosquare



Instagram is far and away my favorite social media platform. It’s a fun place to spend a little downtime, users are engaging, and it’s growing like crazy. However, the app seriously lacks meaningful statistics for marketers. Other than watching the little heart icon next to a photo you can’t really tell if you’re content is all that engaging. That’s where Iconosquare can save the day.


Once you get the app hooked up to instagram you can start analyzing valuable information on your account.


The overview you get in statistics is great for seeing how your posts are being received. You can use it to create simple likes per post:

2,064 likes / 83 posts = 25 likes per post.



The next section displays your new followers and any followers you’ve lost. Sweet.


Your Score

The last piece on the dashboard is your overall score.


What looks cool to me is the Spread Rate or the number of likes that come from people who don’t follow you. The Spread Rate will give you an idea of how your content is being received by a larger audience. A higher number means you are probably doing a good job utilizing hashtags.

“Secret Menu”

Over on the left hand side you’ll see a second navigation bar. It’s easy to miss, and I want to bring it to your attention because there is gold in there.


This section has an awesome synopsis of the content you have been posting. Even down to your favorite Filter!!


Under the engagement section you can see how your posts are doing. Tons of great info in there.

Optimize it

The last piece I want to call out is the Optimization. I love this section.

You can learn:

  • The best time to make a post- ours was 6pm
  • The lifespan of your posts
  • The best filter to use on your pictures- ours was none.
  • The impact of your tags.


The tag piece is very helpful because it shows you the top 100 tags and how often the tags showed up in your posts. Obviously the logic here is the more your posts include the top tags, the easier it is for your posts to be found.


There is a lot of really great info you can learn from this app. I hope you’ll take the time to hook up your account. It will make you a better instagrammer.


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