Next Issue of Angling Trade Coming Soon


Look for the next print edition of Angling Trade magazine to arrive in your mailboxes shortly.  In it, you’re going to find some interesting stories on…

Public Lands Transfer.  A really stupid idea, whereby some of your elected officials think it best for the U.S. government to sell off its vast holdings of public lands.  Those are public lands where many of us–and our customers–like to fish and hunt.

Smart Management of Baitfish.  Charles Witek takes a good look at managing the little things that swim, so that there are more of the big things that swim for anglers to chase.

Native Fish.  No, stocked triploid trout are not the answer.  You might make money by getting people to catch them, pretend they’re good anglers, and take pictures with those fish.  But the long-term viability of this industry rests with what ultimately happens on the wild side.

Plus, we’re swearing off the “participation awards” product reviews, taking a good look at the guiding brouhaha in the Bahamas, and featuring a long, insightful discussion on the recruitment of new anglers to fly fishing.

Do please check it out, and if you have story ideas, requests, concerns, etc., regarding a future issue of Angling Trade, we want to hear them.  As always, we welcome your emails at [email protected].


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