Fulling Mill Launches New Website and Announces New Dealer Pricing Structure


From Fulling Mill:

Dear Fulling Mill Dealer,

First an introduction: having worked closely with Fulling Mill over the last few years I have recently taken over from Will Landale as MD. I am really excited at this opportunity and look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the coming months. Fortunately for us, Will remains an instrumental member of the team and is now working on opening up new markets for the Fulling Mill brand.

Fulling Mill is growing and we are currently implementing an exciting new development programme across the whole business. We are doubling our manufacturing capacity, increasing our

stock holdings and refreshing our product lines. These initiatives will not only ensure improved product availability but will also allow us to offer you some really attractive new price points. With this new pricing model I am confident you will make a better return selling Fulling Mill flies.

Part of our development programme is the launch of a new website. This is scheduled for mid-November and will be the centerpiece of our efforts to build the Fulling Mill brand. We hope that it will provide you with a go-to source for Fulling Mill product information and imagery and will offer a simple, easy to use portal through which to order from us. Roly has a good incentive for that up his sleeve too!

Please note that end consumers who visit the site will be able to place an order directly with us if they wish to do so. We have decided to offer this service simply because it’s what today’s end consumer expects; not to do so would increasingly frustrate the visitor to our site, and ultimately damage the Fulling Mill brand. Throughout our planning process we have drawn key lessons from other manufacturing businesses in the tackle trade who have trod this path before as well as listening to a wide range of your own particular concerns. We would like to summarize our position through the following three assurances:

1. There won’t be a price incentive to buy on the Fulling Mill site.
2. We will offer clear links to ‘Find your nearest dealer’ in all buying situations and these will include online affiliates, especially those who take advantage of our drop ship service.
3. We will offer all Discontinued Product Lines to our dealer network for a month before offering them to consumers.

I fully appreciate that this is a significant step for Fulling Mill and I am very aware that some of you will want to discuss matters further. I would be delighted to answer any particular questions you may have. Please do pick up the phone and give me a call on +44 (0) 1293 778 600. If unavailable I will return your call promptly.

Rick Bowles
Managing Director
Fulling Mill Ltd
8 Fairlawn Enterprise Park, Bonehurst Road, Salfords, Surrey, RH1 5GH, UK
Mob: +44 (0)7764469380
Tel: +44 (0)1293 778600 Fax:+44 (0)1293 778649 www.fullingmill.com


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