“Further Proof That the Smartest Anglers in the World Hail From Michigan”


micro_sensorFrom The Detroit Free Press:

A University of Michigan professor’s work in micro-sensor technology could change the way you understand your golf swing, free throw or fly-fishing technique.

One of the cooler items displayed at January’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was the Wilson X Connected Football, a pigskin that includes an embedded sensor that can measure distance, speed, and spiral efficiency of a pass, and even whether the receiver catches or drops the ball.

Similar to the Wilson X Connected Basketball introduced the year before, the “smart” football derives its brainpower from work done by U-M engineering professor Noel Perkins, who has been working on sensor technology for 15 years.

An avid fly-fisherman, Perkins first put miniature sensor technology onto his fly rod to measure the efficiency of his casts. Once he figured out how to download and analyze the data “it helped a ton,” he said.
Continue reading at The Detroit Free Press…


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