Angler Adventures looking to hire a fly fisherman or woman with travel experience, strong tech and communications skills


Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 11.26.59 AMFrom Angler Adventures:

Angler Adventures, Old Lyme, CT, founded in 1984, represents over 100 fishing lodges in 25 countries worldwide. The Angler Adventure’s team, consisting of Chip Bates, Doug Schlink, Martha Dykema, Mary Nichisti and Evan Peterson, collectively represents 118 years of experience in the fishing travel business.

With travel to Cuba rising in popularity in 2016, Angler Adventures plans to expand it’s staff. They are looking to hire a fly fisherman or woman with travel experience, strong tech and communications skills. This position requires extensive writing and editing itineraries in Microsoft Word. Digital media editing and publishing is favored and experience with the Sabre Airline Reservation system is a plus.

Applicants not living in or nearby Connecticut will be required to relocate. Salary will be based on experience and commissionable sales. Pay package includes medical insurance, paid vacations and the opportunity for company travel. Send cover letter and resume to: Angler Adventures, PO Box 872, Old Lyme, CT 06371 or email [email protected]


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