BHA Rendezvous Smashes Records for Attendance, Funds Raised for Conservation


From BHA:

The 2016 BHA North American Rendezvous, which took place in Missoula, Montana, earlier this month – was one for the record books. Our fifth annual gathering shattered records for attendance, funds raised for conservation and positive energy generated by backcountry enthusiasts – and signaled that 2016 will continue to be marked by unprecedented growth and accomplishment for our rapidly expanding group.

More than 5,000 sportsmen traveled from all parts of the United States and Canada to attend the Rendezvous. The electricity, passion and excitement were undeniable – and confirms that BHA members not only get stuff done; we have fun doing it.

Writer Steven Rinella, host of The Sportsman Channel’s “MeatEater,” rallied the troops in a standing-room-only banquet hall with his keynote address.

“It’s inspiring to spend time around hunters and anglers who are willing to fight on behalf of our public lands and outdoor heritage,” said Rinella. “That’s why I continue to support Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. Their focus on public lands conservation is something that benefits all of today’s outdoorsmen, as well as future generations. I will continue to stand side by side with this group.”

Rendezvous sessions featured a range of popular speakers and topics, from Randy Newberg’s hunting on public lands and Barry Whitehill’s float hunting in Alaska to Ty Stubblefield’s seminar on bugling for elk. Outdoor clinics focusing on llama packing, bowhunting and casting clinic drew large crowds. And the 1st Annual BHA Camp Chef Cookoff, which took place on the banks of the Clark Fork River, was a huge success. Five state chapters participated, and all went home with a full Camp Chef kitchen setup (valued at $2000). Competition was fierce, with Idaho ultimately winning the trophy.

What are others saying about the 2016 North American Rendezvous?

The iconic optics company Leupold & Stevens Inc., which became a BHA corporate partner last year, attended the 2016 Rendezvous and reaffirmed its support of the BHA mission: “The North American hunting industry and outdoors families both depend on healthy habitat, clean water and accessible, abundant opportunities to get afield,” said Leupold President and CEO Bruce Pettet. “Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is committed to upholding those values. We are proud to partner with BHA in their work, and we wish BHA nothing but the best as they strive to achieve their mission in support of our shared outdoor heritage.”

YETI, another strong BHA supporter and corporate partner, reiterated its commitment to BHA: “YETI was born and bred in the toughest hunting conditions, so a partnership with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers was a no-brainer,” said Ben O’Brien, YETI hunting marketing manager. “Our founders Roy and Ryan Seiders grew up casting for redfish in South Texas and chasing big whitetails across the state. For them, it was and is a way of life. That’s why YETI is proud to support BHA and their efforts to protect and further the outdoor pursuits that set the groundwork for our products. We look forward to a strong alliance that will push forward the conservation efforts of those who value public lands and wildlife resources.”

Brian Call of Gritty Bowmen called the 2016 Rendezvous “a blast”: “When I think of BHA,” Call said, “I am reminded of the following quote by Shane Mahoney: ‘Wildlife and wild places no longer exist by accident or without the intervention of those that truly and deeply care.’ This is what Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is all about – deliberately protecting wildlife and wild places – because these places don’t exist without conscious effort by people who truly and deeply care. The BHA Rendezvous was packed with people who care – people who set aside their brand loyalties and their financial concerns to fight for something bigger than all of us. I love this gritty organization!”

2016 Rendezvous sponsors include Sitka, First Lite, Kimber, onXmaps, Benchmade Knives, Camp Chef, Federal Premium Ammunition, Weatherby, Hilltop Public Solutions, Orion the Hunter’s Institute, Orion Coolers, Seek Outside and Adipose Boatworks, as well as YETI and Leupold.

The dates and location of BHA’s 2017 North American Rendezvous will be announced shortly.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the sportsmen’s voice
for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife.

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