Rep Your Water Wants to Save the Smith


smithFrom Rep Your Water:

A while back we had a customer reach out to us requesting that we spread some awareness about the proposed mine near a critical tributary of Montana’s famed Smith River. We agreed and dove into the issue. We designed a Save the Smith sticker to promote the cause and would love your help! We are not profiting off of these stickers, we are simply looking to help TU’s Smith River Watch and the coalition of non-profits working on this issue to build support. If we can get these stickers on fly fishing rigs coast to coast I think that will go a long way in giving this issue national legs (sticker image attached).

The landmark Smith River in Montana, is at risk. A proposed mine on a critical tributary could endanger the entire fishery and river ecosystem. We at RepYourWater feel this is not just a Montana issue, but something that the national fly fishing community needs to rally behind RIGHT NOW!

For more information see: Smith River Watch


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