Providence Premier: Same-day launch helps raise cash for local and regional conservation entities


Film is a powerful tool. It has the capacity to entertain, provoke change and compel closet critics to compose scintillating reviews over at Rotten Tomatoes. It also takes us places. And in the case of Confluence Films’ fifth and latest feature-length film, Providence, that salty, species-rich locale you’ll be picturing yourself in is Providence Atoll in the Seychelles.

The film’s world premier is set for October 15, and it’ll comprise a single, synchronized showing exclusively on that date—similar to the wholesale release of Waypoints in 2013.

“With a goal of setting up more than 50 simultaneous screening events, Confluence is inviting conservation groups, fly shops, clubs and other fly-fishing entities to organize and host a premiere event, allowing people all across the country and throughout the world the opportunity to be ‘the very first’ to view the new Confluence movie.”

Confluence will continue offering early screenings to groups and organizations willing to show the films in “the right venues in a professional, high-quality manner.”

The main requirement for hosting a screening is that a large portion of the proceeds will go back to a local or regional fisheries-based conservation entity or project. Through the program, Confluence has helped raise more than $300,000 for conservation and grassroots fisheries programs to date.

For more information, email Confluence Films at [email protected].


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