Orvis (and Others) Making a Difference for The Everglades… You Can Too


6118_Neverglades_miami_r5Hats off to Orvis for spearheading an effort that recently included a full-page ad in the Miami Herald to support saving the Everglades.  The ad, headlined “We Must Act Now to Save the Everglades” reportedly earned Perk Perkins an audience with Florida Governor Rick Scott.  It’s important to connect the dots between that natural resource and the many jobs that depend on it, in Florida and beyond!  Angling Trade was proud to join AFFTA, and Sage, and Patagonia, and many others who put their logos on that ad.  You can read the ad and the full story from Orvis News.

AT is also very proud to support this new film on the Everglades, along with many others in the industry.  Please take time to watch “The Balance.”  The full version in now available above.

If you need more information on the issues in the Everglades, see www.bullsugar.org

Also, please check out the Now or Neverglades Newsletter from Sandy Moret, and remember that April 11 will be Now or Neverglades Sportfishing Day!


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