Sustainable Business Practices in a Changing Climate Environment


emergerRick Crawford, President of Emerger Strategies, will be presenting at IFTD in Orlando on Friday, 7/14 at 10 AM on the topic of sustainable business. Have you ever wanted to minimize your company’s environmental footprint, but wasn’t quite sure where to begin? Are you concerned about the impact population, policy, pollution and climate change is having on our fisheries and, therefore, for your business? Interested in learning about a framework that can help your business mitigate risks, enhance brand value and increase growth? READ MORE:

There are several environmental threats the fishing industry faces today, which include: population, pollution, policy and climate change. Climate change is already negatively impacting fisheries and posing threats to businesses around the world. However, the good news is that a sustainable business model provides opportunities to mitigate risks, reduce costs, generate new revenue and increase growth.

In the Emerger Strategies “Sustainable Business Practices in a Changing Climate Environment” seminar, participants will learn about a framework to launch your sustainable business journey. In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of how climate change affects fisheries and how your business impacts climate change, participants will learn how leading companies are making the business case for sustainability.

If you are attending IFTD/ICAST this year, we would love for you to stop by and say hello and talk a little sustainable business with Rick!

More info can also be found on the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) can be found on the AFFTA website and more info on the “Sustainable Business Practices in a Changing Climate Environment” can be found HERE.


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