Jason Borger’s Single-Handed Fly Casting
I truly mean no offense to anyone when I say this… but I’m going to say it anyway. I hate how much emphasis is placed on “the cast” when it comes to teaching and sharing fly fishing. I think the “cast as art form” philosophy is a hindrance to this sport. I think too many self-appointed “gurus” have made too much money by taking the cast outside of fishing practicality. I know there are many people who wish they could fly fish, but for the fear of climbing that hurdle of casting a fly line.
That said… well, I gobble up the best advice on casting whenever I can. I read the best, from the likes of Mel Krieger, and Lefty Kreh, and others. It isn’t so much a “taboo” to talk about casting, in my opinion, as it is a requirement that you absolutely, positively, must have your stuff in one bag and be very credible, before you go there.
Obviously, Jason Borger has his stuff in one bag. From being the casting double in the iconic “A River Runs Through It,” to also being a featured instructor in so many other places (it’s hard to track)… well, the bottom line is, if you really follow fishing and casting and such, this book is better than most that’s ever been written or illustrated on the topic of casting flies with a fly rod. By far.
It’s honest, straightforward, and unpretentious. It’s like having Jason whispering in your ear, rather than shouting in your face. The illos are modest and simple, but they make sense. It all tracks. It all works.
If you want one book in your shop that will help your customers cast better, and can maybe serve as a course guide for your instructors who want to bring them along… this is it. It’s better than almost everything that’s ever been produced on the single-hand cast before (Simon Gawesworth still holds the title for the best book ever on Spey casting).