27th International Fly Tying Symposium Moves to New Home in Lancaster, Penn.


From The Fly Tying Symposium:

The art tying of artificial flies to attract fish might well be the world’s second oldest sport. That centuries-old heritage and tradition will be celebrated at the 27th annual International Fly Tying Symposium in Lancaster, Penn., Nov. 11-12.

While fly-tying tools and materials have evolved over the eons, the basic principles of the art of turning fur and feathers into artificial fish-catching insects can be traced to the Macedonians in about the year 200 A.D.

The 2018 Symposium is scheduled for the ballroom of the Lancaster Marriott Hotel, 25 So. Queen St., 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Sat.; 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Sun. “The longtime prior Symposium venue in New Jersey was closed, necessitating the move,” said director Chuck Furimsky.

Symposium admission is $15 on Sat., $12 on Sun. or $22 for a weekend pass. Children under age 16 are free.

“Lancaster is a beautiful, historic, family-friendly city and the Marriott ballroom facilities and amenities – including lighting, audio-visual equipment and food service – is modern and first rate,” Furimsky added.

In addition to some 100 tiers from the United States demonstrating their techniques and skills, there will be representation from the Netherlands, Italy, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Free seminars will be offered hourly from 10 a.m. to late afternoon both Sat. and Sun. covering topics that include Live Insect Identification, Designing Flies that Trigger Strikes, Dry Flies and Matching The Hatch, Development of the Wet Fly, Finding Success with Emergers and Late Fall Fly Fishing.

Featured fly tiers include Bob Clouser, “My Latest New Patterns;” Tim Flagler, “Flies That Catch Fish and Are Easy to Tie;” Charlie Craven, “My Favorite Patterns;” Blane Chocklet, “Trigger Flies and Game Changers;” Daniel Galhardo, “Tying and Fishing Tankara Flies;” and Robert Smith, “Soft Hackle Techniques.”

Writers scheduled to sign books at an author’s booth include Clouser, Fishy Fullum, Matt Grobert, Craven, Len Lichvar, Hen Ramsey, Rich Strolis and Charlie Green.

There will be limited participation fee classes both Sat. and Sun., 8:30 to 11 a.m. Class registration is $80. Classes are scheduled to be taught by Jerome Coviello, hair spinning and stacking, intermediate; Craven, new patterns, intermediate; Chocklett, new tying techniques, intermediate; Matthew Green, identify and imitate insects, all levels; and Tim Cammisa, tying flies that have won international competitions, intermediate.

The Symposium will feature a Sat. night Fly Tier’s Banquet.

For ticket information, class registration and the banquet, phone (814) 443-3638. Credit cards accepted.


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