A Few Tips on Avoiding the Pitfalls of Overseas Manufacturing


From 3D Industries:

One of the biggest challenges in building an apparel brand is overseas manufacturing.

Building an apparel brand is no easy task, yet it can be an extremely satisfying endeavor as you see your ideas come to life. Getting there however, is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is overseas manufacturing. Sourcing, design, development, negotiations, quality control and delivery are just the beginning of the journey when starting down the road to having your goods manufactured overseas.

But overseas manufacturing is a great option for many reasons, including: 

  1. Lower costs making for greater profits
  2. Highly experienced manufacturers constantly developing new technologies
  3. Diverse range of products available from individual manufacturers and more

With all this in mind, there are also many pit falls associated with taking your manufacturing offshore. Here are some common issues associated with manufacturing overseas:

  1. Communication can be tricky. Developing products via email or the phone is far from ideal and the likelihood of seeing your ideas come to life exactly how you planned is minimal.
  2. Getting your slice of the manufacturer’s attention is hard to do considering you are just 1 of many clients they have on the cards at any given time corresponding via email.
  3. Staying close to the development process from across the globe is near impossible which opens you up to the risk of having your samples manufactured incorrectly adding unnecessary delays to your manufacturing time.

Overseas manufacturing is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been a standard in the apparel business for decades. The best way to try and avoid any issues with your overseas production and minimize the risk is to deal with an experienced, locally based overseas manufacturer like 3D Industries. 3D has been manufacturing overseas for 35 years and we have our own office in China that facilitates production and quality control for our clients. With our headquarters located in Southern California, we are a local “one stop shop” when it comes to design, development, production and delivery of your apparel.

Get it in touch with us today to discuss your design, development and delivery needs.


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