Read Angling Trade, THE MAGAZINE, Now


The 2018 Show Issue

The newest edition of Angling Trade magazine is hot off the press, just in time for the start of the International Fly Tackle Dealer show.  If you haven’t received it in the mail already, or if you’re on the move but want to check it out, you can see the digital version right here.  We’re proud of this issue, and hope you find the information inside helpful.

Of course… things are moving rather quickly as the trade show is now upon us.  Don’t worry, whether you are here in person (in Orlando) or not, we’re going to keep you posted on some of the product news and issues that break from the expo.  Be checking your inbox for E-newsletters over the next few days, and tune in to the bi-weekly Angling Trade E-News dispatches that are coming your way.  You can check us out on social media as well, and if you still have questions, shoot us an email and we’ll address them.  Thanks, and here’s wishing exhibitors and attendees a great show, and good fishing and strong business to those of you minding the shop.


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