Changes for Angling Trade


Three things product manufacturers should please keep in mind for next year.

We are changing our print schedule. Spring will be roughly the same, but the Show issue will shift to fall to coincide with IFTD in Denver, which is October 16-18. The schedule is as follows:


ISSUE                       |             SPACE CLOSING            |           AD ARTWORK DUE

April 12th 2019                      March 1st, 2019                         March 16th, 2019

October, 7th 2019               September 6th, 2019               September 20th, 2019

We are well aware of the product development cycles, and are therefore going to make a big online product review push starting in June, including EFFTEX, including testing in the field, including testing by the TU Tested amateur test team, etc.

****We are going to make gear reviews more widely available to the general consumer market through partnering with other media, and pushing our own social media channels harder. (We are going to be like Consumer Reports for all fly tackle and related gear…

We will up the frequency by doing weekly product review E-newsletters from June 1 through August 31. We will focus exclusively on product. We will objectively review only the product we actually test. We are happy to receive press releases, but don’t expect a write up based on a press release (we all know you like your product)…

Ad rates will see a nominal increase. We haven’t raised rates in several years, but we will. There will likely be some reshuffling on both the print and digital fronts.

Tim Romano will follow up with more details, or you can contact him directly at [email protected]. Thanks for your continued support and we look forward to helping you get more eyeballs on your new products in the coming year.


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