TU Outlines Diversity Efforts in Latest Issue of TROUT


Speaking of diversity, have you checked out the latest issue of TROUT magazine, the national publication of Trout Unlimited?  You’ll know it by this catchy cover featuring Lyla Blue Guymon.  Importantly, inside, there are several features focused on the theme of diversity in various contexts, from fishing for species “beyond trout,” to bolstering efforts to enhance fly fishing’s appeal to women and other oft-overlooked demographics. Many of our industry’s leading companies (Orvis, Patagonia, Simms, Far Bank, Winston, etc.), are spearheading efforts, as are various conservation organizations.  If this is a topic that interests you on the retail level, please read this issue, and/or talk to your manufacturer partners about what can be done to make the sport more inclusive and appealing to all.


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