Fly Fishing Businesses Can Protect Montana Rivers


Vote YES on 186 from C+K on Vimeo.

To all members of the fly-fishing business community:

Angling Trade very rarely chimes in on political issues. We know our job is to cover the business side of fly fishing.  Well, in the case of I-186 in Montana, which will be decided next Tuesday, the issue is indeed about business—your business—and keeping some of the best fishing water in the country clean.  Basically, I-186 requires new mines in Montana to operate responsibly, without leaving perpetual pollution, and without forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for cleanup.  It isn’t anti mining; it’s anti-pollution.

Clean cold water is where trout are happiest.  Your business depends on happy trout eating the flies of your customers… you get the picture.  Iconic rivers like the Smith will be affected by this vote.  Every person associated with the business of fly fishing should support this initiative, whether they’re based in Montana or not.

Here’s all you need to know:

Recent poll numbers look pretty encouraging, and it might just happen.

Fly-fishing businesses can put this over the top.  The campaign for I-186 needs money now to bring it home.  Please consider a donation of any amount, as anything you do could make a huge difference.

AFFTA is behind it. Trout Unlimited is behind it.  Simms is behind it.   Orvis is behind it.  And so are many other businesses, from manufacturers to retailers.



Kirk Deeter and Tim Romano, Editors of Angling Trade


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