Some 2018 Figures from Trout Unlimited


Just so you know (and because 80 percent of the fly-fishing market revolves around trout fishing), we thought you might want to know a little more about TU and what it’s getting done to make fishing better.

It now has 230 staff nationwide, 300,000, members and supporters, and a $55 million annual operating budget, 87 percent of which goes directly into programs.  Members accounted for 737,194 volunteer hours last year (doing work) valued at $18, 201,320.  TU conducted 1,078 conservation projects on local streams and 1,668 education projects that engaged youth.  It also conducted 617 events for veterans and their families.  Last year, TU protected 323,000 acres of habitat, protected 1,136 miles of river, reconnected 406 miles of river (to facilitate the migration and natural reproduction of fish), and restored another 365 miles of river to make that water fishable again.  And they’ll do more next year.

Join TU as a Business member by clicking here.


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