Ranger Outdoors LLC acquires Bryant Sales (Chota Outdoor Gear)


From Ranger Outdoors:

Ranger Outdoors LLC is pleased to announce the addition of Bryant Sales to our growing group of companies.

Bryant Sales is the parent company of Chota Outdoor Gear. Chota has provided the fly- fishing industry with boots, waders and accessories for over 20 years. Mark Brown will continue his role as National Sales manager for the Chota brand.

Ranger is adding this to their portfolio that consists of companies such as Angler Sport Group in Elba New York with brands such as Daiichi, Vosseler, Meiho and C&F design.

The two companies will share corporate office space in Tennessee while all product distribution will be moved to Ranger’s distribution center in Elba N.Y.

We are looking forward to the continued growth of the Chota Outdoor brand. We are looking forward to bringing new innovative products into the market place.


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