Grand Slam Outdoors Group Joins Winston/Bauer


The R.L. Winston Rod Company and Bauer Fly Reels are pleased to announce that Guy Tillotson and Tom Jindra of the Grand Slam Outdoors Group have joined the teams as Southeastern Sales Representatives.

Guy Tillotson is owner of Grand Slam Outdoors Group and has represented major tackle companies for more than 20 years throughout the South. He is knowledgeable in all aspects of retailing, consumer trends and target marketing. A former guide with global experience, Tillotson is licensed by the Coast Guard as a Master Captain and is certified as a Casting Instructor by Fly Fishers International. Tillotson served as Vice President-Conservation for FFI, and founded the Backcountry Fly Fishers of Naples, Fla.

Guy will be Sales Representative for Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina and can be reached at [email protected] or 904-347-3138.

Tom Jindra has spent decades working in fly fishing, both as a professional representative for multiple tackle companies and as a volunteer in the non-profit world. He is certified as a Master Casting Instructor by Fly Fishing International and chaired FFI’s Casting Instructor Certification Program. He also served as FFI’s president. A saltwater specialist, Jindra brings a wide range of experience to his work, having fished throughout North America and around the world.

Tom will Sales Representative for Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas and can be reached at [email protected] or 504-810-1857.

“Not everybody gets the chance to be part of a legend, so we’re thrilled to be working with two. Winston and Bauer — you don’t get more special than that. There’s a reason everybody recognizes the phrase “Winston feel.” Winston is just that good. And nothing pairs up with a Winston rod better than a Bauer reel.

Yes, two legendary companies, and Grand Slam Outdoors Group is proud to represent both.”

– Guy Tillotson, Owner, Grand Slam Outdoors Group

R.L Winston Rod Company and Bauer Fly reels welcome Guy and Tom to the team.  We are very pleased to join with these two very experienced Representatives and anglers.  With our new products and now our fresh new representation from Florida to Texas we are positioned well to work with the independent tackle shops in this important territory.  I have known Guy and Tom for nearly 20 years in the industry and couldn’t be happier that we are all working together.

– Jim Murphy, Vice President, Winston/Bauer

For more information, please contact Winston at [email protected] or call 406-684-5674.


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