Outdoor Retailer to Combine Winter Shows


The Outdoor Retailer team announced a change to the winter buying season: it will unite Winter Market and Snow Show into a single event, Outdoor + Snow Show, staging January 29-31, 2020 in Denver. They will not produce the Winter Market show in November.

OR says it made this decision in partnership with the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and after consultation with key brands and retailers through personal conversations, as well as advisory boards and surveys. “While we believe that the winter season deserves a true launch event, for winter businesses, the priority is to bring outdoor and snow brands and buyers together in one place. And the overwhelming sentiment is for that event to be in January,” OR stated.

More from OR:

“Outdoor Retailer’s responsibility to the community is to create a platform for commercial success. That said, though, we don’t determine the dates, you do.

Our value to the outdoor community is that Outdoor Retailer is where the entire industry comes together. Our biggest takeaway from all of this is confirmation that the outdoor industry is inspired by being part of something bigger and more profound than just the buying and selling of products, and that’s what Outdoor Retailer is all about.

We want to thank the over 230 brands and more than 2,300 retailer buyers who had already committed to the November show. We are dedicated to providing the insight and products ahead of the buying season that you wanted, and will continue to support your needs here, in ways beyond a show.”


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