AFFTA recognizes generous commitment of IFTD 2019 sponsors 


AFFTA recognizes generous commitment of IFTD 2019 sponsors 

BOZEMAN, MT. – With the return of IFTD to its Rocky Mountain roots quickly approaching, AFFTA is excited to announce this year’s valued sponsors and the role their commitment plays in making the show what it is today. This year’s sponsors include the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation, Angling Trade Media, The Drake Magazine, RO Drift Boats, Sage, RIO, Tackle Trade World, Simms, Thomas & Thomas, High Street Strategies, Renzetti, SweetWater Brewing, Costa, Yeti, Casting for Recovery and Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

“We are fortunate to have sponsors who believe in the value of IFTD to our industry as much as we do,” says Ben Bulis, AFFTA President. “We have some who have been with us almost from the start, some who have become consistent partners in recent years and a couple who are joining us with plans for even more involvement. Across the board though, their generosity and passion for supporting our industry is unparalleled. It’s what allows us to create and offer the programming and opportunities that IFTD and the Dealer Summit seminars provide. We can’t thank them enough.” 

“Out of all the fishing disciplines, fly fishing has grown the most in recent years, up 19% over the last 4 years to an all-time high of 6.9 million participants. As many of you know, we are working to achieve our 60 in 60 goal to increase fishing participation from the current 49.4 million U.S. anglers to 60 million anglers by December 2021. The trends we are seeing in fly fishing participation – like the high rate of first-time participants – are promising, but we need your help keeping your customers engaged. Teaming up with AFFTA and IFTD is helping us reach that 60 in 60 goal, in turn bringing the industry more customers for generations to come.” Frank Peterson, RBFF President & CEO

“This will be The Drake magazine’s 21st trip to IFTD, and our 14th year hosting the annual Flyfishing Video Awards. While I enjoy attending the winter consumer shows, along with other events occurring throughout the year, there is simply no other gathering that brings together the backbone of the industry—retailers, manufacturers, lodges, outfitters, travel companies, conservation groups, guides, media—like IFTD. Seeing the many friends we’ve made over the years is always fulfilling on a personal level. But on a professional level, I can’t imagine why any company in flyfishing would skip IFTD, especially with it returning to Denver.” Tom Bie, Editor, The Drake Magazine

“October is extra special for Casting for Recovery this year. Not only is it breast cancer awareness month, but it’s also is showtime! We are looking forward to having IFTD back in Denver. Support from the fly fishing industry is essential to the work we do. The show provides the opportunity to highlight how the industry has impacted women with breast cancer, plus gives us a platform to connect and plan for future growth. Together we can make a difference.” Whitney Milhoan, Executive Director, Casting for Recovery

“This is an exciting time for the fly fishing industry. SIMMS is thrilled to support IFTD back in Denver and what a better way to do it than celebrating Casting for Recovery during breast cancer awareness month!” Diane Bristol, Sr. Director, Employee & Community Engagement, Simms

“Angling Trade sees the International Fly Tackle Dealer show returning to Denver as more than a homecoming—it’s a family reunion. It’s reconnecting with the roots of angling. It’s an assertive statement that shows we’re proud of our sport, we’re moving in the right direction, and we feel good about the future. Of course, every event like this is ultimately what you make of it. We plan on making it a signature milestone and we’re going to reward those who do the same.” Kirk Deeter, Editor, Angling Trade

“Costa’s commitment to the angling community is ongoing, and we’re looking forward to IFTD and the opportunity to partner with AFFTA to ‘Kick Plastic’ at this year’s show,” said Peter Vandergrift, freshwater community manager for Costa Sunglasses. “Extending our Kick Plastic initiative into trade shows and other community events ensures show goers stay hydrated without adding to our growing plastic pollution problem. Efforts like this will continue to raise awareness around the need to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.” Peter Vandergrift, Fly Fishing Community Manager, Costa

“AFFTA and IFTD provide the perfect platform and environment for retail, manufacturing, and conservation to meet. YETI is excited to be a part of IFTD Denver in 2019, and we see the community here as an extension of our brand. We look forward to the opportunity to engage with the fly fishing industry in this wonderful city.” Jake Drees, Western Fly Specialist, YETI Coolers

“Since 1987 Renzetti has been exhibiting at the IFTD Show. It is the only venue that gathers manufacturers, retailers and industry personnel. It is our opportunity to see our retailers and personally thank them for their commitment to the industry. Supporting IFTD and its effort is a way to support the Fly Fishing industry. Andy and I are looking forward to being in Denver again.” Lilly Renzetti, President, Renzetti, Inc.

“The opportunity to be able to sponsor the IFTD New Product Showcase is one that is greatly appreciated by all the team at Tackle Trade World. IFTD is a key show for the fly fishing community that brings together everyone involved to make it a truly unified sector of the whole fishing world. The awards that TTW sponsor is the culmination of countless hours of hard work from the brands involved to gain recognition for their labour. We are very excited about visiting Denver this year and look forward to meeting friends both new and old.” John Watson, Editor, Tackle Trade World

“IFTD is without a doubt the biggest highlight on our calendar, allowing us to get our brand and products in front of customers and media partners over a couple of days. It’s a great event for us to connect with new and old friends from around the globe and to share our passion for what we do face to face. Fly casting is integral to our sport and having the opportunity to do so at the show is essential, so sponsoring the casting ponds gives us a huge amount of satisfaction.” John Wolstenholme, VP Business Development, Thomas & Thomas

“Since day one of brewing beer, it’s been important to us that we give back as much as we can to great organizations who protect our passions. AFFTA’s mission of growing the sport of fly fishing is perfectly aligned – anglers care deeply about the environment and protecting natural resources so that we can pass on our love for the great outdoors for generations to come. We’re also incredibly excited that IFTD is giving us the opportunity to present our second Guide Beer grant at Party on the Pond – 11% of proceeds from the sale of our new lager are given back to guides in need and the important projects they support.” Freddy Bensch, Founder, SweetWater Brewing Co.

“Fly fishing is not just an integral part of our economy, but also our way of life. The International Fly Tackle Dealer Show is a great resource for everyone who cares about the sport and conserving fisheries.” Whit Fosburgh, President and CEO, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

“Fly fishing is core to American culture and the outdoor economy, underpinning thousands of local businesses and communities around the nations. Working to advance fly fishing and the federal policies that support and advance the industry is central to us at High Street Strategies. That’s why High Street is happy to support AFFTA, its annual trade show and the greater fly fishing industry.” Matt Mullin, President, High Street Strategies


AFFTA guides the sustainable growth of the fly fishing industry through trade development and stewardship. We accomplish this by advocating for the industry and empowering our members to improve their businesses through collaboration, education and building community; along with advocating for healthy fisheries and engaging our members and partners to support protection, restoration, and access.


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