Hatch Outdoors announces appointment of Southeast Specialty Outdoors and Jimmy Dobes


From Hatch Outdoors:

Hatch Outdoors is pleased to announce the appointment of Southeast Specialty Outdoors and Jimmy Dobes to represent the complete product line in Florida, Georgia, the Carolina’s, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.

If there’s been one constant in Jimmy Dobes’ life, it has been his unwavering passion for fly fishing.  Jimmy was lucky enough to turn his childhood hobby into his professional career.

Starting out as a guide in his teens, he made his way from shop manager, instructor, and now sales representative in the industry. “Jimmy brings an enthusiasm and seasoned sales perspective from many years in the industry. Our fantastic group of dealers will greatly enjoy his professionalism and likable personality in representing our brand to the Southeastern states,” says Andrew Dickinson, Global Sales Leader at Hatch.

Over the past decade and a half, Jimmy has been committed to the partnerships he has made within the fishing industry and is dedicated to help grow the fly fishing community. “Hatch Outdoors has always been on the forefront of precision manufacturing, stellar performance, and a solid core value structure that aligns with our agency. I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of the Hatch Outdoors Team. Utilizing my past experiences alongside our current trends, I am excited to lead the way in growing our community in the Southeast. I am proud to represent products that push the boundaries of design, innovation, and provide lifetime value to our customers.”

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