Seven positive things we can do during this challenge


1. Amp up the media. In winter, when people cannot fish as easily or as comfortably, they devour videos, magazines, blog posts, social media, etc. Film events cancelled? Send your loop to the other media and organizations that can deliver the eyeballs you would have otherwise had through live events. That’s the best-case scenario for your filmmakers… and your sponsors. Media companies should be making more content, more digitally accessible. Hollywood doesn’t have the theaters around the country anymore through which to deliver the product… so Hollywood is already on plan B. “Fishywood” should do the same.

2. Think about the kids. Millions of children are now unexpectedly spending days at home, and millions of parents are jonez-ing to figure out ways to keep them busy. Want to interest youth in fly fishing? Here’s your literally captive audience… Use digital avenues to give their parents something to grab their attention. Bonus is, this is something they can actually do in the outdoors, whether that’s on a pond, a river, or just pretending on the back lawn. Teach parents to teach their children how to tie flies. Teach parents how to teach kids to cast. Use your imagination.

3. Write your book. You have something to say, now’s the time to collect your thoughts and put them down. But endeavor to be a writer who loves fishing, and not another angler who feels like writing.

4. Be with family, eat well, stay healthy and get your mind and body right for whatever lies ahead, and hopefully be ready to hit the river running when the fog clears.

5. Reassess your business operation. This is a life-altering event for all of us. Most of the changes we’re experiencing have been abruptly forced. But we’re going to come out on the other side of this and think about some of those changes, “Wow, that worked pretty well.” Be thinking about your digital footprint, not only now in crisis mode, but also how that might look when we return as close as we might to some sense of normalcy.

6. Talk to each other. Facetime, chat, get on the horn, share ideas, experiences, struggles, but don’t feel like you have to ride it all out alone. Psychologically, it’s a proven fact that some sort of social interaction, even if not face-to-face within a six-foot radius, is important. And no community talks more, bullshits more, laughs more, and supports each other more than the angling community does.

7. Fish. If you have access to local water and open space, you might never appreciate making a few casts any more than you will in the days ahead.


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