RBFF Offers Regularly-Updated State Guidance on Fishing During Pandemic


(Plug into your website and share with customers..)

From the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation:

RBFF knows this is a confusing time for Americans and we want to help you be a resource for your customers as we all navigate the waters of this pandemic. Therefore, we created a free tool to be added to your website to provide anglers and boaters with the latest State Agency COVID-19 response and updates in their area.

The State Agency COVID-19 Response Plugin offers easy access to each state’s Fish and Wildlife and/or Department of Natural Resources website or official website with COVID-19 updates. Users can either click the desired state on the map or select it from the drop-down menu to be taken directly to the state site. The plugin also allows for easy toggling between fishing and boating links. RBFF will be updating this map regularly to ensure links are live and accurate. Please visit the Plugin to try it yourself!

Our vision in making this tool embeddable on stakeholder websites is to provide anglers and boaters with everything they need to know about the latest updates, changes, closures, and more for fishing and boating related activities near them. We see this as an opportunity to make it easy for you to provide accurate information to your website visitors, in hopes that people will continue to get out on the water safely. Once added to your site, be sure to promote this tool via your social media channels. RBFF is working on sample social media posts to accompany the tool. If you’re interested in receiving these when they’re complete, please reply to me and I will send them out once complete.

See the attached instructions to add the State Agency COVID-19 Response Plugin to your website today.


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