AFFTA Board of Directors Nominations Now Open



Let your voice be heard!

Board positions open to all AFFTA members.

The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions for open Board of Director positions. AFFTA seeks to maintain a strong, balanced, strategic-thinking Board that accurately represents the varied businesses in the fly fishing industry. As a member-driven organization, AFFTA solicits candidates each year to fill open seats on the Board of Directors to represent the interests of the fly fishing industry and all AFFTA members.

We are looking for members who are passionate about the fly fishing industry, conservation and the recruitment of new fly fishing participants. If this is you, we encourage you to submit your application and bio today! Click on the link below to access the application.Submissions will be accepted through Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 5:00 pm MTN.

The AFFTA Board consists of no fewer than eleven (11), but as many as fifteen (15) elected Members and the President as an Ex-Officio Member. The desired make-up of the Board shall consist of:
(A) No fewer than five (5) Members representing Manufacturers, Manufacturers’ Representatives
(B) No fewer than four (4) Members representing Retailers
(C) No fewer than two (2) Members representing Media, Public Relations, Marketing, Associations, Government, Education
(D) No fewer than two (2) Members representing Travel, Guides, Lodges, Outfitters

Currently, our board make-up consists of four (4) Retailers, seven (7) Manufacturers and three (3) Travel/Guides/Lodge/Outfitters. Based on the 2020 board term expirations, there are currently four Board of Director seats to be filled with this election: Manufacturer or Manufacturer’s Representative, Travel/Guides/Lodge/Outfitters, and Media, Public Relations, Marketing, Associations, Government, or Education.
Board Member Requirements
The requirements to serve as an AFFTA Board Member are as follows:
► Be an AFFTA member in good standing
► Participation in at least two sub-committees
► There are four quarterly board meetings per year. Board members are required to attend at least three board meetings per year and cannot miss two consecutive board meetings in a row.
► Travel, lodging, phone and most food expenses associated with AFFTA events/meetings; expenses are not covered by AFFTA and are the responsibility of the member
► Support AFFTA’s mission of promoting the sustained growth of the fly fishing industry
► Help develop and guide the association’s actions with respect to organizational priorities and strategic planning by staying informed about AFFTA matters, preparing in advance for meetings, reviewing and commenting on documents and reporting on issues of concern to the association in a professional and timely manner
► Three-year board term

Bio and Application Submission
To be considered for a Board position, your bio and application must be emailed to the AFFTA Corporate Office no later than Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 5:00 pm MTN. The email address is [email protected].

Again, we are currently seeking candidates who are:
• Manufacturers or Manufacturers’ Representatives
• Travel, Guide, Lodge, Outfitter
• Media, Public Relations, Marketing, Association, Government, or Education

► Complete contact information
► Personal background information to support your bid for an AFFTA board position
► A summary of why you are interested in serving the fly fishing trade

All Board Member nominees’ bios and a voting ballot will be emailed to the AFFTA membership by September 21, 2020. Voting must be completed on or before September 30, 2020 and will be tallied thereafter. A broadcast email to announce the newly elected directors will be sent to all AFFTA members once the election is certified by the Board Secretary.

AFFTA Election Timetable
► July 1, 2020 – Nominations Process Begins
► August 30, 2020 – Candidate Bios and applications due
► September 18, 2020 – Candidate Bios Emailed to Membership
► September 21, 2020 – Ballots Emailed to Membership and AFFTA General Election Opens
► September 30, 2020 – Voting closes
► Election announcement made after AFFTA Board Secretary certifies election results
► 1st Quarter 2021 – Newly Elected Board Members take office
If you have any questions about running for the AFFTA Board of Directors, please feel free to contact myself, any of the Nominating Committee Members listed below or the AFFTA office at 406-522-1556.



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