Think the Boom is over?  Ha… try to buy a boat.


Eugene Buchanan of Paddling Life recently wrote about the explosive growth Johnson Outdoors experienced with its watercraft last year as the pandemic drove people toward water in droves.  “Johnson Outdoors, owner of such paddlecraft brands as Ocean Kayak, Old Town Canoe and Carlisle Paddlers, reported that its overall revenues grew 58 percent in the fiscal fourth quarter as demand from the pandemic drove sales increases across its fishing, camping and watercraft segments.  In its Watercraft segment, revenues jumped 149 percent to $15.7 million from $6.3 million, with annual sales expanding 25 percent.”

Maybe those of you who aren’t selling boats should think about it.  Then again, you might be out of luck.  We just hung up the phone with one watercraft manufacturer who said its entire inventory for 2021 is committed.  We’re also hearing about boat and paddleboard “hoarding.”  Will “black market belly boats” be far behind?

Then again, maybe the time is right to invest in the Outdoors.  See this from Doug Dragoo regarding “The Pearl Fund.”


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