AFFTA releases Strategic Plan, Says IFTD is on.


From the AFFTA Board:

As we begin a new year, there’s growing enthusiasm within our industry around the opportunities created by a surprise boom in participation and demand for products, and for recovery in the fly fishing businesses that shouldered disproportionate hardships caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our industry also faces new challenges. From supply chain adaptability, to participant retention and education, we have our collective work cut out for us in 2021.

In December, AFFTA conducted the first year review of our strategic plan and adopted updates that reflect changes to both the trade association, and the needs of AFFTA members. AFFTA committees have built their annual work plans around those strategies and are hard at work implementing exciting new programs for AFFTA members.

You can read the 2021 AFFTA strategic plan HERE

As many of you have heard, Ben Bulis, AFFTA’s long time President, announced his departure from the trade association. We thank Ben for his dedication and many contributions to AFFTA over the past nine years. While change can be difficult, it also presents new opportunities. The AFFTA Board has convened a hiring committee to begin the process of recruiting new leadership for the trade association. Stay tuned for a job description and applicant instructions in the coming weeks.

I’m excited to announce that AFFTA will be producing and hosting the 2021 International Fly Tackle Dealer show in October. IFTD is the fly fishing industry’s premier event for meaningful B2B engagement, education, and community building. Keep an eye out for details coming soon.

As always, the board welcomes your comments and input on how AFFTA can add more value to your businesses and the fly fishing community.

On behalf of the AFFTA Board of Directors and staff, we wish you a healthy and prosperous 2021.


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