New Steelhead, Saltwater, and Tying from Umpqua for 2021


New Steelhead for 2021

For anglers who are traveling to steelhead country packing the right flies for your trip might feel like a daunting task. Our collection of Steelhead Foundations ensure you have confidence steelhead patterns from Umpqua’s Signature Tyers that are developed on the water to maximize opportunities. These spey flies are on packing lists for both winter steelhead and summer steelhead destinations.

New Saltwater for 2021

For the flats and saltwater anglers, we have new innovate flies that help you with the first step of fooling selective fish- surviving entry. We also have a huge expansion of weed guarded flies to keep you fishing through any conditions. These all knot onto the finest nylon and fluorocarbon tippets and species-specific saltwater leaders to ensure you get the best presentation for your fly.

New Tactical for 2021

In this tactical world it is all about efficiency – how quickly can your get fly down, how accessible are your tools, and how far you can push the terminal rigging. Our new Jig Bomb series of beads offer up tyers and anglers a huge advantage as they are heavier and take up less shank. The unique teardrop design also will turn any hook into a jig hook. So fish deep, close to cover, and convert bites into landed fish.

New Tying for 2021

Having the right tying tools makes the job easier, but a well-designed tool disappears into a tyers hands and feels like an extension of their hand. We have a new 12 Piece Dream Stream + Tool Kit, ZS2 Travler Tying Kit Bag, and 6” scissors that enable you to fuel your passion and are designed by tyers for tyers.

“Fly tying is a creative outlet, and a way to match the food sources on which fish survive. Tying my own flies enables me to have complete customization in regards to hook choice, types of materials, range of color, and in various densities or flotation. Add the satisfaction of catching fish on flies of your own design and you have a very rewarding facet of the fly fishing lifestyle.”

– Umpqua Signature Tyer Lance Egan 

A selection of new 2021 Steelhead Foundation flies coming this fall

Tungsten Jig Bombs

Jig Bombs are the solution to add more weight to your files. The trend of oversizing beads to add more weight means that tyers lose shank length and are limited to what hooks they can use. The unique teardrop shape of the Bomb’s means they are about 20% heavier than a standard slotted bead while keeping 15% more hook shank to create a body with. All of this means that flies maintain great proportions and drop into the zone and stay there.

The unique design of the Jig Bomb’s will flip any hook and turn it into a Jig and of course it works beautifully on all jig hooks. These Bombs are built into our specialized collection of flats flies called Survive Entry, so the sky is the limit with creativity. Available in 2.5mm-5.0mm and a rainbow of colors.

Prices vary

XC 210

The XC 210 is a Mega Gap Perdigon hook that is perfect for tying small and medium nymphs while maintaining positive hooking and holding power. Another unique feature of this hook is that the drop eye accommodates all styles of beads – countersunk, slotted, and is amazing with Umpqua’s new Jig Bomb Beads.

SRP- $7.99 /25 Pack

Dreamstream+ HD 6-inch scissor

Longer, heavier blades and oversized handles make these scissors ideal for cutting bigger, thicker materials (particularly synthetics).  Micro-serrated blades allow for excellent material “grip” and cutting and surgical grade Japanese steel results in long-lasting sharpness.  Save your fine-tipped scissors for the finish work and make your material prep easier with these heavy duty (HD) scissors.

SRP- $13.99

Traveler Tying Kit bag

The Traveler tying kit bag is the ideal customizable tying kit bag. Our ZS2 molle design allows for internal and external attachment of a vise storage pouch (included).  A unique pop-up tool caddy holds up to 22 tools on one side and zippered compartment storage on the other.  This tool caddy is removable and free-standing so you feel right at home whether traveling or tying at the kitchen table.

SRP- $134.99

12 piece Dreamstream Tying Tool Kit

Our most popular and essential Dreamstream+ tying tools now available in one great travel kit at one great price.

Kit includes: Bobbin, Whip Finish Tool, Bodkin, Hackle Plier, Dubbing Loop Spinner, Dubbing Brush, Std Hair Stacker, Xl Hair Stacker, Bobbin THreader, Dubbing Loop Tweezel, 3.5” Arrow Point Scissor, 4.75” Hair Scissor

SRP- $124.99

Survive Entry series

On the flats the fish are exposed as a result they are skittish, spooky, wary, cautious, and willing to run the other way if they feel threatened. The first step in not blowing your shot is to have the fly enter the water as quietly as possible. The Survive Entry Series of flies is designed so that flies silently slip beneath the surface with a minimal splash versus other flies which can belly flop into the water.

These flies are a complete departure from how most flats flies are designed and constructed. Breaking old traditions of attaching large eyes tied perpendicular behind the eye of the hook. That construction technique creates extra surface area to break through the water. Instead, the Survive Entry Series have a sleek profile, achieved by burying a Tungsten Jig Bomb into the sparsely tied body – so anglers can fish lighter flies which cast better, enter quieter, swim better, and are built exclusively for the technical flats environment that is 30” or less.

Surviving entry means more opportunities at big wary trophies.

-Words and Flies by Umpqua Signature Tyer Captain Dave Chouinard

Prices vary


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