Arkansas waters: Dally’s All Species Odyssey


From Ozark Fly Fisher Journal:

A celebration of the riches of fly fishing in Arkansas waters: Dally’s All Species Odyssey.

Trout are the foundation of fly fishing. But there are many other fly rod targets to be equally passionate right here in the Ozarks.

You don’t have to travel to far off locations to chase toothy critters, hard pulling drag busters, or brightly painted exotics and the All Species Odyssey is all about proving it.

THE Odyssey is a slightly competitive competition founded in the same vein of conviction, entertainment, and the art of having fun very seriously as the Streamer Lovefest.

The 24 hour epic will see teams of two fly fishers try to catch as many of our 33 target flyrod species as possible. The most species caught, photographed and released in the fishing hours, will win the bragging rights and a share of almost $5000 in prizes.

Winning the event will take fly fishing skills, knowledge, stamina and outright cunning. And as many teams in the first two Odyssey events have discovered, a healthy dose of luck will help.

Dally’s Ozark Fly Fisher is pleased to unveil the 2021 All Species Odyssey live in person and socially distanced with backing from YETI, Sage, RIO Products, TFO, Smith Optics, Simms Fishing, Fishpond USA, Orvis Sweetwater Brewing Co.

The first 5 placed teams win some awesome prizes, and we also have numerous drawing which all entrants are entered for.

The Odyssey will start at midday June 19-20, and competitors will fish until 8pm. Fishing resumes at 6 am Sunday and runs until midday. Competitors need to return to Dally’s in Cotter for the awards ceremony at 1pm.

The rules are simple: teams of two fly fishers will compete to see who can amass the most species over, size doesn’t matter. Fishing will only be conducted during daylight hours (see rules) but fishers can use the closed fishing period to change locations, refuel and plan strategy.

Each species must be photographed, with our unique control item, and submitted to the Odyssey HQ via our tournament app. The images will be used to authenticate species and score each team.

In the event of a tie, judges will use our points scoring system, which grades the difficulty of capture of the species to separate the winners.





For additional information you can contact Steve Dally on
479 381 2080
Or [email protected]


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