Angling Trade is teeing up its fall digital campaign…

Trout Unlimited is prepping a holiday gift guide for over 300,000 members and supporters

Following on the heels of our effective spring digital campaign, and in addition to our widely-read bi-weekly E-newsletters (which you are reading now) Angling Trade is planning a fall digital campaign focused on new product.  This is where you want to be if you have something interesting cooking for the fly-fishing market in North America and beyond.

Each specialized selling period or individual newsletter will have exactly five paid spots open to advertisers that will include a hierarchal order based on price.

What you get per paid spot:

* A chunk of real-estate or “advertorial copy”. A completely flexible space based on how you would like to use on said newsletter. One product or 10, that’s up to you.  Do you have videos, no problem? Multiple images, great!  We can do it all. All spots are again, top to bottom depending on cost.

* An included display ad that reinforces the advertorial messaging – sizes range depending on spend.

* Landing page on the website with all included info.

* Inclusion on our new Gear Showcase.

* Inclusion in Angling Trade’s social channels (Instagram and Facebook).

Also note that Trout Unlimited is producing a holiday gear guide to run in its fall (November) issue of TROUT magazine in print, as well as the recently-launched digital version of TROUT magazine, and TROUT Weekly, an e-newsletter that reaches 65,000 anglers and has an open rate better than 40 percent.  We will be limiting reviews to the 25 best we find, from rods to reels to soft goods and more.  Don’t wait too long… if you have something in the works, please at least get it on our radar by contacting [email protected].


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