Help save striped bass. Tune into “Hard Lined” on Simms’ YouTube channel today (Wed. October 27) at 5 Mountain.


From Simms:

Simms will release “Hard Lined ” on October 27th at 5:00 PM (MST) via our YouTube channel. It’s time to celebrate one of our favorite species and run a campaign on education and awareness for striped bass. This release is made possible thanks to KGB Productions and the American Saltwater Guides Association.

There will be a call to action attached to the film on behalf of the American Saltwater Guides Association (ASGA). The audience can click on this button or visit a link in the description to learn more about best handling practices and the upcoming comment period for Amendment 7 (A7). A7 is a document that will determine the next 10 years of striped bass management. There are four management issues that are still up for debate. The comment period will be open from November through the end of December.

The ASGA will be the direct source for all science-based research, policy information and updates. Viewers will not be forced to click the call-to-action link. It is optional and highly encouraged.

As brands, non-profits, media outlets and anglers, this release is an opportunity to share an inspiring film that reminds everyone why striped bass are special, and why they should take the time to learn more about a species that’s facing a difficult future. We are asking everyone to help share the film link and to use the assets provided in the folder to cater a message to their audience. After many thoughtful conversations over the past 2 months with KGB Productions, the ASGA and other stakeholders, our number one goal with this campaign is to help the fish. Regardless of your brand or business guidelines, you can find a meaningful way to talk about striped bass to your audience. Whether it’s day to day best handling practices, staying informed about Amendment 7, their economic impact, or simply celebrating how unique they are, this is a critical time to collaborate on a fishery that needs attention.


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