Consumer Choice Awards: Let the Voting Begin


Let’s find out what the angling public really thinks are the best fly-fishing products on the market today.  Angling Trade has been working with Fly Fusion and the Fly Fishing Show to set up the “Consumer Choice Awards,” which comprises the largest number of products from the largest pool of manufacturers.  It’s still a subjective exercise… everyone has an opinion.  But that’s exactly the point—we’re hoping to get a different cross section of responses, and instead of industry insiders, or media, we want as many everyday anglers (people who actually buy stuff) to chime in and vote.

The voting is now officially open.

Go HERE to cast your lots in a full range of product categories, from rods and reels to waders and accessories.

Most important, we hope you will share this with your customers… your readers… your followers… anyone who fly fishes is welcome.

We will of course keep you updated as the tallies come in.


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