Pebble Mine – Last chance to sign B4BB letter to EPA


This from our friend Scott Hed, who needs to rally industry support…

I won’t bore you with details or the backstory, we all know why we need to stop Pebble Mine.  The industry has been tremendous and dedicated, and you’ve done a lot.  Just need you one more time right now.  I’ll cut to the chase.

  • We are in the home stretch of the final opportunity for the fishing community to weigh in on the EPA’s proposed Clean Water Act protections in Bristol Bay.  The comment period ends on September 6.
  • The 2022 fishing season gave us an incredible reminder of just why so many have fought for so long to protect this resource.  Bristol Bay set the all-time records for both total wild sockeye return and harvest this year!

As of 7/31/22:

    • Total sockeye return = 78.367 million
    • Total sockeye harvest = 59.550 million
      • These numbers are testament to the facts that healthy and undisturbed habitat alongside conservative and science-based management can continue to support 15,000 jobs and a fishery that’s valued at $2.2 billion annually.  So long as we don’t find ways to screw that up.

Here’s how you can help – it’s really easy

  1. Join several hundred brands by signing our Businesses for Bristol Bay letter to the EPA.
  2. Encourage your followers to weigh in with the EPA via social channels (let me know if you need assets).  Just use for the portal.
  3. Send me your logo if you would like it displayed on the B4BB coalition page.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask.  Thank you very much for everything over the years and for your consideration of this important request for some simple support that will go a long way toward securing protections for Bristol Bay.  We’ll keep at this until we get across the finish line.

Have a great rest of your week!

Scott Hed

Businesses for Bristol Bay

Sportsman’s Alliance for Alaska



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