Help Stu Tripney Fund his New Book – Out Come The Dogs


Out Come the Dogs” is written by Stu Tripney, owner of Stu’s Superior Flies in Athol, New Zealand.  Stu needs help getting the project to the finish line and has asked us to share this kickstarter link.  There’s just 36 house LEFT!!

We’ve loved Stu’s previous two books…  Read about those here and here.

All of Stu Tripney’s adventures start with a wild idea and the courage to explore places barely known. Fly fishing is always at the heart of the plan, but only ever a part of the story.

Out Come The Dogs happens in India, where Stu ventures high up into the Himalayan mountain range visiting remote villages and valleys encountering and embracing everything in his path.Savage dogs, monks, hashish, monkeys, whisky, poverty, nomads, sickness oxygen and fly fishing.

“It was widely known that this valley and the nearby Parvati Valley – a particularly known tourist weed mecca – as well as a few other remote valleys in the state were the biggest producers of the best hashish in India, though many would dispute that and say in the world! Unlike the many that come for the hashish, the solitude and maybe 1 per cent for the fruit, I was solely here for the trout fishing, which I was to find was a much rarer occurrence than I’d expected.”


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