BHA CEO Appointed to Federal Committee to Advance Hunting, Conservation


From BHA:

The Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Council advises the Interior and Agriculture departments on wildlife and habitat conservation, preserving the nation’s hunting heritage.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers President and CEO Land Tawney has been appointed to serve on a federal advisory committee to advance wildlife and habitat conservation and preserve America’s hunting heritage.

The Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Council’s purpose is to provide recommendations to the federal government, through the departments of Interior and Agriculture, that benefit wildlife resources; encourage partnership among members of the public, conservation groups and federal, state, tribal and territorial governments; and support fair chase recreational hunting and shooting sports. Previous iterations of similar councils have helped elevate and advance sportsmen’s and women’s values and achieve sound, science-based management of public lands, waters, fish and wildlife.

Tawney acknowledged the honor and responsibility represented by his appointment to the council.

“I’m humbled by the appointment, and I’m ready to serve with my fellow council members and administrative officials, both to honor the work of previous councils and chart a future that maintains and enhances public access to public lands and waters for all, quality wildlife habitat when we get there and fair chase hunting principles,” said Tawney.

“So goes conservation, so goes America,” he continued. “I look forward to addressing the challenges and opportunities that face us all as hunters, anglers, and supporters of our public lands and waters.”

Tawney served on a previous iteration of the council during the Obama administration.


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