The American Fly Fishing Trade Association has announced plans to hold another trade gathering, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the week of September 25, 2023.
So now we, as an industry can commence with asking the same bunch of questions we’ve been asking for decades, only this time spiced up a level since the American Sportfishing Association has vowed to amp up the fly presence at its own ICAST trade show in July.
Questions like… which companies will go where… to both… or nowhere at all? What is a trade gathering? What do you think of the location in Salt Lake? What do you think of the timing in September? Will you be doing business at the show? What will we see there that we haven’t seen already by that point in the year? Is this a social event or a business event?
And the biggest one of all: Are trade shows even viable (do they offer value) anymore?
We know everyone we ask will have different answers to the same slate of questions. What’s not in question is the root motivation, and that’s money. Trade shows make money, many regardless of their size given the incentives cities offer to locate there. In this case, the money supports the trade organization that represents the fly-fishing industry exclusively.
We’re interested in what you have to say.
We will, of course, have plenty more to say later.