Colorado Trout Unlimited Recognizes RareWaters


From Colorado TU:

RareWaters accepts Exemplary Industry Partner Award from Colorado Trout Unlimited for their dedication to coldwater conservation.

During the Colorado Trout Unlimited (CTU) annual Rendezvous at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs, RareWaters accepted the Exemplary Industry Partner Award. This award goes to the industry partner who shows dedication to CTU’s mission to conserve, protect, and restore Colorado’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. 

Colorado Trout Unlimited noted RareWaters’ generous support of conservation as part of their business model and their leadership in involving private landowners with angling recreation and river stewardship. “Protecting and enhancing Colorado’s watersheds and fisheries requires work across public and private property boundaries,” said CTU Executive Director David Nickum, “and we are pleased to recognize RareWaters’ efforts at engaging private landowners with that larger vision for stewardship.


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