Angling Trade Survey


A bulletin board displays multiple notices, including a prominent poster warning about high river temperatures and their impact on fish health. Several logos and smaller notices are also visible.Do you/will you alter your fishing plans… as anglers, as guides, as shops, and others… to lay off temperature-sensitive species (like trout in freshwater, or even other saltwater species) when the water gets “too warm to fish.”

Do you/will you alter your fishing plans when the water gets “too warm to fish.”?

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  1. Michael Ligan on

    Yes high mountain spring fed creeks at 1700 ‘ still get too warm in south central PA. for the cold water fish. Let em alone till it cools off

  2. Judging from the results I think it’s safe to assume the boats/guides around western MT did not yet vote in this survey. That or they’re full of shit.

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