Trout never tasted this good (flies either)…


A box of chocolates labeled "The Fly Fishing Collection" by Christopher Elbow Chocolates, featuring chocolates with colorful fly fishing designs.Are you looking for a perfect holiday gift for someone who is “fishy” but already has enough neckties, socks, coasters, mugs, caps, and wall art featuring fish and/or flies to last a lifetime?

Well, here’s a very inspired option from a diehard angler who also happens to be a master chocolatier. Christopher Elbow Chocolates is offering a “fly Fishing Salted Caramels” Collection for $26. Get it (and many other smoking deals) for 25% off with a Flylab membership
Each piece is artfully decorated with either the colors of a trout—brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout—or a fly pattern (nymph, emerger, parachute, spinner). They are amazing to look at, and after much careful and deliberate product testing, we can wholeheartedly offer a ringing endorsement.

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