Are your travel clients looking for a unique last minute fishing/photography getaway at the beginning of April?


image001Send Customer to Chile.
Make Them a Better Photographer.
Earn a Little Coin.
Make Romano Happy.

Are your travel clients looking for a unique last minute fishing/photography getaway at the beginning of April?

Angling Trade managing editor Tim Romano still has few spots left on a unique Chile trip that he’s hosting next month.  The trip is one geared towards anglers and lovers of photography (as you know, Tim is one of the most decorated outdoor photographers in the country now) and will be held at Magic Waters Lodge just outside of the town of Coyhaique, Chile. This is an Orvis-endorsed property with access to a multitude of varied trout water. The dates are April 2nd – 9th, 2016.

There will be much or as little fishing, photo instruction, as participants care to do. There are no prerequisites—just a love for traveling, fishing and some interest in the photo side of things—or perhaps a spouse that has one of the other…

Tim’s aim is to spend as much time with each participant and teach tricks and tips on the photo side that they would like to learn. He’ll provide seminar/talks in the evenings on the photo side of things, but will keep it very casual.  He will also have a pile of photo gear (lenses, lighting, underwater housing, etc. ) that anyone can play with and explore new photo ideas and questions you’ve wanted to try out.  All levels of photography (and fishing for that matter) are welcome.

Tim spent almost two weeks at the lodge last year the same week and found it to be an absolutely exceptional experience. If clients are interested in where they’d be going here is a little grouping of images from his previous trip.

If you think you might have an interested client Tim would be willing to talk commission kickbacks and isn’t looking poach clients, just simply fill the space. If you had that special someone that might appreciate this type of trip send Tim an email or call 303-495-3967 for more information.

You are thinking of someone as you read this. The person who loves travel, and fancies himself or herself a dedicated nature photographer… pick up the phone, and tell them about this opportunity to go hang out with a pro shooter in one of the most beautiful environments on the planet.


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