(Denver) The Colorado Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Wildlife Management has officially approved the Moffitt Angling System as a legal fishing method following a review by department biologists and law enforcement officials. In a letter to Pat Moffitt, the inventor of the Moffitt Angling System, Colorado Fisheries Chief Gregory W. Gerlich wrote, “We believe this method, when used as intended, is currently legal in Colorado”.
The approval letter goes on to address the question of snagging, with the determination that the Moffitt System did not constitute snagging under Colorado law because “the system appears to comply with the intent of our regulations by requiring the fish to voluntarily strike the fly in order to be hooked.”
“I am very grateful to the Colorado DNR for taking the time to so thoughtfully review our new fly fishing system,” remarked Pat Moffitt. “Like many leading trout states, Colorado has taken strong steps to curtail the snagging of trout – a fishing practice I find disgusting. Unfortunately, many of the anti-snagging regulations are worded in such a way that it raises questions about the legality of the Moffitt System — which is ironic because I spent so many years developing my method to not simply reduce trout mortality on released fish – but to make foul hooking, whether intentional or unintentional, almost impossible.”
Contact: Harry Campbell
(608) 767-3210