Browsing: Trend Data
Angling Trade Survey: How often do you target bass (largemouth or smallmouth) with a fly rod?
1. All the time! It’s my number-one fish species.
2. Several times a year at least, but it’s not my number-one fish.
3. Several times a year at least, but not with flies and a fly rod. Just gear.
4. A few times a year, depending on what else is going on.
5. Once in a great while… it’s been a year or so,
6. Never.
Angling Trade E-Survey… This Time a Two-fer!
Please… stay in your lane when answering. We’re mining for information on “affiliate” marketing, which obviously impacts different businesses differently.
Fishing license sales dipped last year.
Did you notice a drop, and do you care? Southwick Associates—always with a finger on the pulse of the fishing…
What Motivates BHA’s Members? Conservation, Ethics, Tradition, Health
From Backcountry Hunters & Anglers BHA’s annual member survey highlights membership’s youth, political diversity, identifies shared values of public lands…